Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ribs, Doctors and Bellies

Ribs: Ollie really likes his new home under my right rib cage. That's where he's set up camp for a quite some time now and will probably remain for a few weeks. My posture has gotten much better recently because slouching cuts off my breathing, squishes my stomach and sends stabbing pains through my rib cage.

Doctors: I had another appointment with the doctor on Wednesday. Everything went great. I told him about my self diagnosis of pubic bone separation (major pains in my pubic bone when standing on one foot and getting off the couch or in and out of bed). He said he could give me meds, but I declined. It really isn't intolerable at this point. He also recommended a physical therapist if it gets worse now and especially after delivery. I also told him of my restless leg syndrome diagnosis. Again, he prescribed meds, but I haven't filled it. Last night it would've been great, but again, it isn't intolerable, just annoying. My BP and weight are good. Ollie's heartbeat is strong. I passed my glucose and anemia test and all is well. I really can't complain.

Bellies: Getting bigger and bigger. The dogs really appreciate my bulging belly because they'll lie in my lap and put there heads on my belly and they are almost at eye level with me when I'm lying down. They enjoy the attention. I've been hoping Ollie will kick them because I'd love to see a reaction, but they are never in the right place at the right time.

30 weeks - Profile view

30 weeks - Front view

Badger wants to know who's invading his space.

Our first shower is next weekend. I'll be sure to post some pictures from that event. It'll be nice to have family and friends together. Until next time!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Quiet Sunday (While I can still get one)

I felt crafty today so I went shopping and bought some crafty things to make a "Diaper Wreath." I've been thinking of decor for the house since we are having a baby shower here in two weeks. I decided on a diaper wreath to hang on the door. I love it so much I decided to post a pic. It'll be on display for the shower and then I can disassemble it and use all the parts for Ollie. I don't think I want to take it apart. Maybe Ollie could keep it and hang it in his dorm room in college!!

Look closely to see each piece that is attached!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

28 Weeks Pregnant

I had my 28 week doctor appointment this week. Everything went very well. I passed my 1 hour glucose test so I am not at risk for gestational diabetes. The really good news is that if women are at risk for gestational diabetes it is usually an indicator that they are at risk later in life for diabetes. So hopefully, that won't be a problem, ever, for me.

My BP and weight are right on track with an "average pregnancy." I'm having a typical healthy pregnancy. I have a few complaints. One being, heartburn. If the wives tale is true then Ollie has the maternal gene for hair. I've got it bad. Heartburn was the first sign I was pregnant and it hasn't stopped since. It has consistently gotten worse, though. Another complaint is soreness. I'm sore in my hips, OUCH, and in my ribs. My hip pain is more pelvic pain and my bottom two ribs on both sides are sore to the touch. I think that's because my uterus is attacking my ribs as it grows and invades. Ollie's taking this "escapade" a little too far. He's invading my organ's and bone's space!! HA! One more complaint is RLS, Restless Leg Syndrome. I self diagnosed myself with this a while ago because it just made sense. I have trouble keeping my legs still while I'm relaxing. Thanfully, it doesn't affect my sleep, but it bothers me when watching TV, usually. I read recently on a pregnancy website that it is very common during pregnancy so I've confirmed my self diagnosis. I forgot to mention it to the doc, but I've read that iron is a good source to "relieve" the symptoms. More red meat, please.

We have a crib and a dresser for the nursery. After the showers we'll see what else is needed and then we'll have a complete nursery, minus Ollie for a couple more months. I said I would post pics of the nursery so I've done that here so you can get an idea of what it looks like. The nusery is very lonely right now, but will soon perk up.
<August 2008
August 2008
August 2008 - The chair rail
Nursery from a few angles and this last one is the chair rail that Josh worked so hard on.

Lastly, for those who haven't seen me in a while I wanted to post a belly shot from 26 weeks. I don't have one from this week so keep in mind I've grown since these were taken. People who see me everyday at work will go from Friday to Monday and say, "WOW, you're getting bigger." It's actually quite scary. Especially when they say, "Are you having twins?" The nerve! I think I look good for 28 weeks!!
Side shot at 26 weeks
26 weeks and a few days.
26 weeks again. I call this one "The Belly!"

I hope you've enjoyed this addition to Ollie's Escapades. Stay tuned!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Place for Family Gatherings (from afar)

Hello family and friends. I've decided to create this blog in order to keep everyone up to date of everyday happenings. Well, not everyday, but you get the idea. I'll publish a blog here periodically of my pregnancy and then of course when Ollie makes his grand entrance, his very first escapade.

I stole the idea from my good friend Sarah. She created her own blog for her little ones and it's a great idea. Here I go, too.

I am 27 weeks pregnant with little John Oliver. His expected arrival date is November 8th. According to my doctor everything is going just great. Which is just great. He's on track, I'm on track and now we're simply waiting...and gaining.

I'm still working and plan to work up to my due date unless Mother Nature has other plans. Working isn't all so bad. I get swollen hands and feet pretty readily, but it only lasts a little while. My hands swell in the heat so I stay confined to my office most days. Some days I can't help it and have to venture out into the wild, but not so often. I think that's bareable and I'll be just fine.

Josh is gearing up to be a stay at home dad. We're both hoping our instincts will kick in as we don't know the 2nd, 3rd and 4th things about being parents. We've got the 1st down, we hope, being love and nurturing and well, basic survival.

The nursery is complete and I'll figure out how to get some pics up soon. We just need to fill it. So thanks to family and friends we'll have our showers on Sept. 7th and 13th. Fun!!

So, I hope you enjoy this blog and I hope I can keep up with updates of Ollie's Escapades.