Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ollie's First XMas!!

We spent our first Christmas with Ollie at home. We visited other family members back in Marshall County and here at Josh's parents' house, but Christmas morning we were here. I refuse to be somewhere other than my own home on Christmas morning now that we have little Ollie. It's just nice to be at home! Of course, Gran and Pappaw were here to help Ollie celebrate his first Christmas.

He slept through the gift opening, but he loves everything he got from Gran and Pappaw, us and of course, SANTA!!

After we had our gift opening, Gran made breakfast and we enjoyed that then we lounged around the house before going to Gran's for lunch with more family.

Prior to Christmas Day we visited my family back home. My dad got to see Ollie for the first time as did many others.

And you can see he slept through most of this, too.

All in all, we had a good christmas and we have some good memories. Josh got a gift from his Uncle John that is definitely memorable. He was handed a card that read "Open in order. Try them on as you go. No refunds. No exchanges." Josh was confused, but quickly understood when he saw a stack of gifts on the table. He began opening them in order and if you want to copy and paste this link into your browser http://www2.snapfish.com/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=275821215/a=83874118_83874118/t_=83874118 you can see what happened...if you don't get it, leave a comment and I'll explain, but I don't want to ruin it for you.

I hope you all had a great Christmas and we'll do it again next year!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Look What I Can Do!!!

We learned more about tummy time when we saw the pediatrician. Someone should really write a comprehensive book on this parenting stuff and I don't mean some doctor who's never had kids. Anyway, I've been letting him lie on the ground and flail about when I should have been putting him as demonstrated in the above picture. Who knew he could lift his little head so high on his own? Well, we found out yesterday!! So cute. Those chubby cheeks were weighing him down so he only tolerated a few minutes.

I've inclused a couple of other pics that I took yesterday, as well.

Friday, December 19, 2008

2 Months!!!

I don't have any pictures at the moment to post, but we had Ollie's 2 month appointment today and I wanted to post about it.

He is weighing in now at a whopping 12lbs and 10.5oz. He's in the 75th percentile for his weight and the 25th for his height, so he's short and fat!!!! He's healthy!! He's 22.25 inches long. Growing boy!

He still isn't smiling consistently, but we aren't concerned. He hasn't been sleeping well so we're working on that. Tonight he's doing great sleeping all by himself. Better sleep will make him better during the day so he's not so crabby. We should start getting those smiles soon!!!

He had his shots today which really sucked for me, but he seemed to handle them like a champ. He turned Santa Red in the face when she poked him 3 TIMES, but as soon as I picked him up he gave me a few good cries and then settled right down. He's been a little sore at the injection sites this evening and he was a little crabby for a few hours, but he settled down around 10:00pm and slept until 2:30am. Josh fed him and now he's sleeping again (please don't jinx myself, please don't jinx myself). It's 4:30am, by the way! I couldn't sleep. I'm so used to be being awake, I guess!

So, about his shots, I tried to put some ice packs on his little injection sites because, as chubby as his legs are, they are still swollen. He didn't seem to care for the cold. I did break down and give him some Tylenol because he was giving me these screams that were sporatic, which told me he was sore. I can tell his cries and he definitely has a PAIN cry coming out!!

As far as other things we have going on, not much. We've been tending to his every need and now we are trying to get him to sleep on his own. It's better for him if he feels safe falling asleep on his own and so far all we've shown him is that its only safe to fall asleep if he's being held. We're learning!! I feel better that the pediatrician told us to let him fuss and cry for a bit and then comfort him, but don't pick him up. Everything I read says, "Don't let your newborn cry!!!" So I was worried I wasn't giving him what he needed if I let him cry when he was trying to sleep alone, but I feel better about it now and IT WORKED!! He fussed for a bit tonight and then fell right to sleep. I'm a little worried that he's stressed from his shots and that's why he's sleeping so well. Tomorrow night may be a different story.

I'll try to take some pictures later today and get them posted on here. We've been so busy lately that we haven't broken out the camera!! Bad Mommy!

Thanks for checking in.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Holidays!!

I'm a lot behind in my postings. I apologize to you faithful followers.

Ollie is growing like a weed. He gets a little heavier everyday. He has started cooing more and making "real" noises that just make us laugh. He's tracking more and more with his eyes. He's been smiling inconsistently, but its a rare treat when he does!!

We've had a rough couple of weeks because he's been so fussy and wanting to be held all day and all night. Only in the past couple of days has he begun to chill out a little more. It's nice to have a break, but then again I don't know what to do with myself when he's being so well behaved!! HA!!

We went to see Santa at a work party and he didn't mind Santa one bit. I took some pictures myself, around the house, but they aren't that great. I'm still learning to use my camera and haven't fully figured it out. Also, he's been so tempermental that he doesn't want to be put down which makes picture taking fast and unorganized. UGH!! It's fun anyway!

I may be leaving some important stuff out, but I really can't think of anything right now. We'll be making the trip home on the 21st for an early xmas. I'm excited, but also terrified. I think he'll sleep in the car without a problem, but I'm not sure about sleeping with him somewhere other than home. Hopefully, it'll be stress free and we can get as many visits in as possible.
Enjoy the pics.