Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Silly Sick

What a crazy month its been. I've been really lazy about posting. Sorry. Ollie's been sick sick sick. He ran a high fever for about a week then developed a terrible head cold and ear infection! Ugh!! He had antiobiotics that did not agree with his digestive system which in turn caused us to go through a tube of Desitin in a few days. Ick and ouch! On a happier note. Ollie will be 9 months old tomorrow!! He's growing so fast. He is starting to stand on his own, but still needs some courage and practice. He is also dancing now. I have a video on youtube, then link is below. I love it. He has 3 teeth now, too. Two bottom front teeth and one upper right eye tooth. He's gotta be working on some more becuase he is constantly chew chew chewing! On a not so happier note. He sees what he wants and he wants it right now. Usually his wants are the tv remote, the radio remote, or my cell phone. The other day he had my cell phone for work and he called a few people. He actually tried to leave a message for Debi, sorry, Debi. When he sees what he wants and doesn't get it he cries and fights. He also thinks, "NO" is funny. He's learning though. Well, I think that's about it for the Ollie updates. We've got a lot coming up so I don't expect to post much, but I'll try. Enjoy the pictures below and check out the video link. Thanks for checking in. Ollie and Daddy watching fireworks from our house. This is the view from our house. NICE!!