Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Such a Big Boy!!!

Here he is only discovering he has feet. I don't have a picture of his foot in his mouth just yet.
He's chilling in his excersaucer watching Daddy play with the dogs.
This is how you'll usually find him, with both his hands in his mouth. His poor little hands are so red and chapped. He's eating a lot of lotion because we have to keep his hands coated to keep them from bleeding...ouch!

And some smiles!!

A few new notes about Ollie. He has now taken to eating his feet. That's right, he'll grunt and groan until he has managed to shove a foot, or at least a few toes, into his mouth. His smiles have grown much more frequent. Now, to get him to smile I must only walk into the room. I love that.

He's still sleeping really well at night, but sometimes getting him to sleep is torture. He cries and cries. He'll sleep on my shoulder, but then when I lay him down he ain't having it!!

He's eating veges and fruits now, too. Actually, tonight we gave him peaches and he gagged a few times and the peaches ended up all over him. We switched to sweet peas which he gobbled up in no time. I just can't seem to feed him fast enough! I think the peaches are a little too tart for his taste right now. He loves bananas, applesauce, pears, sweet peas, green beans, sweet potatos and even squash, but peaches he can do without! We'll try again later.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ollie Wollie

I've some new pictures to post. Ollie had his 4 month shots last week and he did just fine. Once the initial shock of the shot was over with it's as if he didn't have any shots. No fever, no fuss, no pain. We were all happy.

He's "talking" so much now. Every chance he gets he starts jabbering. It's the cutest thing ever. I especially enjoy when I put him in his crib to sleep and he "talks" himself to sleep. I could just listen to that all day.

Today, I came home from work and he rolled himself from his back to his side and then to his belly. The only problem was that his shoulder kept him from really rolling all the way over. All I did was reach down and support his head and then he pushed himself on over onto his belly. Such a strong little boy!

Also, today he was grabbing his toes. He's been doing that randomly for a few days, but this afternoon if he's on his back he has one foot and each hand. I love it.

He'll be 5 months next week. Fast approaching!! He'll be walking before we know it.
Yesterday he had his first taste of green beans and he LOVED THEM!!! He was so happy to have them. I think more ended up ON him than IN him, but we tried. He's been wanting to eat every 2.5 hours and that's just too much so we decided more solids might help. We haven't worked out a routine yet, but we'll get there.

Here's where we started.

And here's where we ended!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Love Me Some Baby Overalls!!

I don't have any new news to post, well, other than Ollie gets his 4 month shots on Wednesday. Ugh!!!!

Anyway, I decided I am putting Ollie in a new outfit everyday just because he is growing soooo fast that he doesn't have time to wear all the clothes he has. So, yesterday was overall day. Then, when I saw how cute he is in overalls, I had to take a million pictures, much to Josh's chagrin, he has to be Ollie's support.

I have two pictures to post. The first shows Josh's vexation as he is teaching Ollie to punch Mommy. The second is just plain cute. Enjoy!