Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Silly Sick

What a crazy month its been. I've been really lazy about posting. Sorry. Ollie's been sick sick sick. He ran a high fever for about a week then developed a terrible head cold and ear infection! Ugh!! He had antiobiotics that did not agree with his digestive system which in turn caused us to go through a tube of Desitin in a few days. Ick and ouch! On a happier note. Ollie will be 9 months old tomorrow!! He's growing so fast. He is starting to stand on his own, but still needs some courage and practice. He is also dancing now. I have a video on youtube, then link is below. I love it. He has 3 teeth now, too. Two bottom front teeth and one upper right eye tooth. He's gotta be working on some more becuase he is constantly chew chew chewing! On a not so happier note. He sees what he wants and he wants it right now. Usually his wants are the tv remote, the radio remote, or my cell phone. The other day he had my cell phone for work and he called a few people. He actually tried to leave a message for Debi, sorry, Debi. When he sees what he wants and doesn't get it he cries and fights. He also thinks, "NO" is funny. He's learning though. Well, I think that's about it for the Ollie updates. We've got a lot coming up so I don't expect to post much, but I'll try. Enjoy the pictures below and check out the video link. Thanks for checking in. Ollie and Daddy watching fireworks from our house. This is the view from our house. NICE!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Sorry, all. I haven't blogged since Mother's Day. Ouch! I will try to do better.

Now for all my excuses! Ollie has been growing soooo much. I have some pictures to post to show his progress. He is crawling so fast these days. He is pulling up on everything higher than the floor. He is opening all the drawers (don't worry they have safe things in them). He has his first tooth (bottom front right). He is mimicking me. He grunts when he wants more food. He's proficient with the spoon and is even eating some table food. He'll be walking any day now. Not really, more like a month, but very soon anyway.

He's not been feeling well and therefore not sleeping well. When I get home from work we play for just a bit and then he starts getting tired and fussy. He's fighting sleep more now, but I think only because he is in pain with his teeth. He doesn't have his next appointment until July.

He'll be 8 months old on Monday! 8 months came sooo fast. Right now he's on the floor crawling over Josh's legs to get to me and figure out what this clickety click click noise is that I have going on in my lap. He's also getting tired so he's moving around like he has ants in his pants. He just can't sit still or he'll fall asleep.

He is such a good baby though. So relaxed and laid back. He sits in the floor and play by himself. He's so independent. We have the bestest baby ever.

Well, enough of my jibber jabber. Here are a few pictures.
Crawling and sitting up on his own at 6 months.

Standing up and enjoying his new swimming pool at 7 months.

Enjoying a day outside with Pappaw.

And this is what you get when you let a 7 month old feed himself.

Such a big big boy! He'll be walking any day now.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Being His Mother

When he smiles as I walk into the room.
When he laughs at my funny noises.
When he reaches for me to pick him up.
When he quiets as I soothe him.
When he grins as we make eye contact.
When he lies his head on my shoulder as I sing him to sleep.
When he looks at me as I feed him.
When he cries for me.
When he breathes.

This is when I love being his mother.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ollie's Laugh

This video is long, but you have to hear him laugh. It took forever to capture this sound. When he sees the camera he stops what he's doing and looks at it.


Here are a few pictures of us spending time outside while Josh mowed. Ollie didn't enjoy the noise from the lawn mower.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy 1/2 Birthday, Ollie

Yesterday was Ollie's 1/2 birthday! 6 months already. It has gone by so quickly. Let's take a long look at the first 6 months:

Zero to One: Josh and I are exhausted. Ollie is eating every 1.5 - 2 hours and will only sleep if we are holding him. He was admitted to the hospital for jaundice treatments. It was as rough month, but we fell in love with this tiny, needy, adorable little baby!

One to Two: Josh and I are exhausted. Ollie is eating every 2 hours. He had his first cluster feeding and that was difficult. He's beginning to pay attention to the things around him. He's started to get really fussy and inconsolable every night around 10pm. We can't figure it out. We're tired. Ollie saw Santa for the first time. He didn't even cry. We also got a couple of his first smiles this month.

Two to Three: Josh and I are exhausted. Ollie is eating every 2 - 3 hours. He sleeps in his carseat now and the first night he did this he slept a solid 6 hours. Astonishing!! Ollie had his first outing this month. He went to the Louisville Science Center. First time I had to feed him and change a poopy diaper in public...fun! At his pediatrician visit this month she told us he's short and fat! HA! Ollie's first Christmas. He also found his hands!! We started bedtime routine and it works!

Three to Four: Josh is exhausted. I went to back to work this month. Ollie eats every 2 - 3 hours, but is sleeping more through the night. He smiles so much more now, but still we really have to work those smiles out of him. He actually loves to get a bath now. We're slowly moving into 3-6 month clothes. No more newborn stuff :-( Ollie rolled from his belly to his back. He loves his new mobile above his bed, first toy he ever smiled at. Ollie started to really spit up and drool a lot this month. He's learned to laugh out loud. That's fun. We started cereal at the end of this month, he loves it. He eats it from a spoon! He's also batting at toys above his head now. He loves the TV, too.

Four to Five: Ollie is sleeping longer stretches at night. He's doing great. He's cooing and "talking" a lot these days. Usually, he likes to talk over me. He grew three inches in two months. We found out he has eczema. He needs lots of lotion. He got an exersaucer and he loves it!! He's sleeping from about 6:30pm - 5:00am. WOW! When I go in his room in the mornings because I hear him stirring around he is sitting in his seat smiling up and me! So cute. He laughs so hard when Josh tickles him, or really when Josh looks at him. He had some sweet peas for the first time. His first taste of flavored food. YUM! He had a tooth pop through, but then go back into his gum. Weird.

Five to Six: Ollie is sleeping in his crib now on his belly. If you put him on his back he just rolls right on over to his belly. He is absolutely adorable! He is rolling around on the floor, army crawling and scooting around the room, "talking" so much, smiling constantly, teething, wearing 6-9 month clothes, wearing size 3 diapers, feeding himself from a sippy cup, drinking not only formula but water and juice, putting EVERYTHING in his mouth, grabbing and watching the dogs and SO MUCH MORE! I just can't get over it. He's the life of the party and such a little flirt. He's starting stage 2 foods as soon as we run out of the stage 1 we have left. He's such a joy. I'm looking forward to the next 6 months, but I'm a little sad he's not going to be "baby" much longer!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Doctor, Doctor!!

Ollie had his 6 month checkup today. At 4 months he weighted 15lbs and 13oz. Now he weighs 18lbs and 5oz. At 4 months he was 26.5" long and now he's 27.25" long. He's a growing boy. He's in the 75th percentile for both so he's doing very well. No baby diet for Ollie!!

His pediatrician told us to expect him to start crawling and cruising and saying "Momma and Dadda" before his 9 month appointment. It just doesn't seem like that'll be happening so soon.

He's trying so hard to crawl right now though that I think he'll be crawling before he's 7 months old. She thinks 9 months so we'll see who wins!!

I put a video on YouTube, but don't want to load it on here because it takes too long. You can view the link though if you'd like.


I'll let you know if he takes off and crawls one of these days!!
We took this picture before Gran left for Texas. Ollie was looking through his Easter goodies from Gran and Pappaw and we decided he'd be cute in the basket. We were right!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Such a Big Boy!!!

Here he is only discovering he has feet. I don't have a picture of his foot in his mouth just yet.
He's chilling in his excersaucer watching Daddy play with the dogs.
This is how you'll usually find him, with both his hands in his mouth. His poor little hands are so red and chapped. He's eating a lot of lotion because we have to keep his hands coated to keep them from bleeding...ouch!

And some smiles!!

A few new notes about Ollie. He has now taken to eating his feet. That's right, he'll grunt and groan until he has managed to shove a foot, or at least a few toes, into his mouth. His smiles have grown much more frequent. Now, to get him to smile I must only walk into the room. I love that.

He's still sleeping really well at night, but sometimes getting him to sleep is torture. He cries and cries. He'll sleep on my shoulder, but then when I lay him down he ain't having it!!

He's eating veges and fruits now, too. Actually, tonight we gave him peaches and he gagged a few times and the peaches ended up all over him. We switched to sweet peas which he gobbled up in no time. I just can't seem to feed him fast enough! I think the peaches are a little too tart for his taste right now. He loves bananas, applesauce, pears, sweet peas, green beans, sweet potatos and even squash, but peaches he can do without! We'll try again later.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ollie Wollie

I've some new pictures to post. Ollie had his 4 month shots last week and he did just fine. Once the initial shock of the shot was over with it's as if he didn't have any shots. No fever, no fuss, no pain. We were all happy.

He's "talking" so much now. Every chance he gets he starts jabbering. It's the cutest thing ever. I especially enjoy when I put him in his crib to sleep and he "talks" himself to sleep. I could just listen to that all day.

Today, I came home from work and he rolled himself from his back to his side and then to his belly. The only problem was that his shoulder kept him from really rolling all the way over. All I did was reach down and support his head and then he pushed himself on over onto his belly. Such a strong little boy!

Also, today he was grabbing his toes. He's been doing that randomly for a few days, but this afternoon if he's on his back he has one foot and each hand. I love it.

He'll be 5 months next week. Fast approaching!! He'll be walking before we know it.
Yesterday he had his first taste of green beans and he LOVED THEM!!! He was so happy to have them. I think more ended up ON him than IN him, but we tried. He's been wanting to eat every 2.5 hours and that's just too much so we decided more solids might help. We haven't worked out a routine yet, but we'll get there.

Here's where we started.

And here's where we ended!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Love Me Some Baby Overalls!!

I don't have any new news to post, well, other than Ollie gets his 4 month shots on Wednesday. Ugh!!!!

Anyway, I decided I am putting Ollie in a new outfit everyday just because he is growing soooo fast that he doesn't have time to wear all the clothes he has. So, yesterday was overall day. Then, when I saw how cute he is in overalls, I had to take a million pictures, much to Josh's chagrin, he has to be Ollie's support.

I have two pictures to post. The first shows Josh's vexation as he is teaching Ollie to punch Mommy. The second is just plain cute. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm Doing Just Fine

He loves loves loves to talk to his toys and he so very serious about it!!
He was playing with his ding a ling here. That's the toy my sister, Sharlet, made for him. He loves it!!!! She was right, "Every little boy [does] need a ding a ling!!"
Ollie had his 4 month check up today. He's 3 months and 3.5 weeks or he's simply 17 weeks!! He weighs 15lbs and 13oz which is the 70th percentile. He is 26.5 inches long and in the 95th percentile which is much better than his 20th percentile last time!!!! HA!!!

He's sitting up well while supported, cooing "talking," batting at toys, grasping toys, putting things in his mouth, drooling, spitting up and eating irratically just like he's supposed to be at this stage! In other words, he's doing just fine!! He did not get shots today because we are going to get the at the health department because my insurance does not fully cover them. Stupid health insurance!

Its hard to hold him now because he is trying so hard to sit up that he'll flop right out of your arms. Ya gotta hold him. He loves to bear weight on his legs so he loves his exersaucer a lot!!! His little back, neck and arms are sooo strong and he does so well at tummy time.

Things are looking good. Not much else to report since we just had a Valentine's Day report. We hope all is well with everyone else!! THE END!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day (a day late)

Yesterday we celebrated Valentine's Day. Of course, Ollie enjoyed lots of chocolate coated suprises and candy hearts that read, "Kiss Me." Okay, so maybe not all this, but he did get lots of kisses all day. It was a good Saturday. Here are some pictures of Ollie in his Valentine's Day outfit from Gran. Sent with Love!!
He was being very good for tummy time pictures, but he kept wanting to roll to his back.

This past week he's been sitting in his exersaucer more and more (thanks James and Sarah) and he loves it. He's started to look at the toys and bat at them more and more. I've got some great pictures of this, too. The pictures say it all so I won't spend much time up here.

He loves to talk to his toys, too!

We go back to the doctor on Wednesday this week so we'll have more news to share then.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

January...What a Month!!!

Ollie is officially 3 months old. 14 weeks and 3 days if you want to count by weeks. We are having a blast with him. He is such a bundle of fun these days. Don't get me wrong, he has his evil moments, but we're overcoming those, one fit at a time.

As of lately, he is laughing out loud when he's in the right mood. Sometimes he'll open his mouth really wide and throw his head back, but no sound comes out. Other times he's cracking up. Sometimes, he cracks himself up. Sunday, January 25th, was his first comedic moment with his favorite cousin, Tina. We'd visited with family and friends and he would just stare and sometimes crack a smile, but when he met Tina, he went wild. He laughed so hard he gave himself the hiccups. Then he decided he didn't like cousin Tina anymore ;-)

From that day on he's been laughing frequently. Its such a joy to finally hear those sounds and see those smiles!!! We've worked hard to earn that!!!!

I don't remember if I blogged about this or not, but he can roll from his belly to his back now. Sometimes he needs to be reminded he can do it, but then he'll take off on his own. He isn't rolling from his back, but he is sitting up really well while supported. He sits in his Bumbo seat like a champ. He loves to be in his Johnny Jump Up, too. I've got pics of all this I'll include below.

Our big leap recently has been cereal. He has been spitting up a lot recently so I called the pediatrician and asked if it'd be okay to go ahead and start cereal. She said yes. So we spoon fed him some cereal and he did GREAT. He loved it. He'll be a healthy eater. Hopefully, he'll start eating on a better schedule. Right now we are feeding him about every 2.5 hours. Ugh!! At night he's still a great sleeper. He sleeps for usually 6 hours then eats then sleeps another 3-4 hours. He has his nights, but for the most part he's doing great. We put him in his crib to sleep one night, but he wasn't getting a good sleep so we switched right back to the car seat. Don't judge me, he sleeps well and it isn't hurting him. Someday he'll be a hunch back, but we'll just blame that on his slouching!!! HA!!

I think that's all the updates I have. He's growing and growing and I love him more and more everyday. Doesn't seem possible, but its all the new things he does that I fall in love with.

PS-- We survived the snow and ice storm and are patiently awaiting the next big snow we are supposed to get on Monday!!!

Blogger isn't allowing me to put up pics. There are some technical difficulties. So until I can fix this problem copy and paste the following link into your internet browswer for more pics on snapfish.com link


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Time for an Update, I know, I know!!!

This is the first day he got his mobile and was LOVING it.

I haven't posted since Christmas!! Wow. Lots of changes. I am back at work now so Josh is parenting alone. Gran comes over the help out on her day off and some afternoons so that's very helpful. I miss him while I'm at work, but I try to stay busy so it isn't so bad. I don't have to drop him off at daycare with strangers that is a HUGE plus. I don't think I could handle that.

Things are going VERY smoothly...knock knock knock. Ollie is sleeping pretty good at night. He still goes about 6 hours and then wakes up for a bottle then sleeps about 4 more before being awake for most of the day with a few unscheduled naps. It'll be nice to get him on a more consistent schedule...routine.

Ollie partied hard ringing in the new year...explanations of the pics below. He got a new mobile for his crib and he just loves it. It is the first "toy" he's smiled at. He loves to look at it and "talk" to it. Soooooo sweet!!! He got a Bumbo seat for Christmas and he sits in it for a little while then tires of it. Mostly, he's happy lying on his back in the floor staring at his black and white cow or watching TV...don't freak out, we don't let him watch TV, it just catches his attention every now and then.

Now, I'll post these pics for your viewing pleasure.
Thanks, Nan. He loves this light up toy.
Eyes were glued to it.
Time for a New Year Party!!!!
Oh, I'm partied out, Man!!!! (Looks like he's fake sleeping here.)

I'll post again, soon. I hate that I can only post 5 pictures and it takes soooo long to load them. We've got a few more to share though.